Sunday, March 2, 2008

Snow Day

We had two snow days this week and no wonder! We seriously got at least 6 inches in our yard. It's impressive and will probably melt today. It took use a few days to get out (Teagan changing her mind the first day) but here are some pictures of us frolicking in the snow. Oh, I might mention that Matt left the phone in the house so these are from my cell phone. :)

Matt presumably took a picture of Me with Teagan, but it is not on my phone. Ah well. Oh, and the tree is the one we finally planted with her placenta (sure, it only took us 3 years but we did it!)

On the way back to the house Teagan was having a blast doing belly flops in the snow. (see above)
And below are a couple pictures from our time at our art table the other day. (again from the cell phone) She's funny about painting, she likes to use the same color paint and paper. For example, "Mama I need red paper for the red paint". In the picture below she's holding her sparkly red glue bottle.

Fun! Fun!

1 comment:

Carl said...

Groundhog predicted 6 weeks more winter. Hopefully, we are about done.