Wednesday, March 5, 2008

Ouch and still ouch, plus a few pics

Today is Wednesday. On Friday I was carrying Teagan downstairs in an effort to get her to the potty quickly and missed the last step, fell to me knees and sustained SI/pelvic injury. I'm pretty sure nothing is broken and although it's sore all the time (especially when sitting on the floor, trying to get up from the floor and standing or walking for any length) it is getting better. Ah well. Just thought I'd mention it as I'm using this to keep track of things related to the pregnancy. I was a little worried after the fall; Teagan was okay and I didn't have any immediate signs of greater problems (no bleeding, cramping, etc) but I had to wait a while before I felt Moon moving about again. Just trying to take it easy, but I'm not very good at slowing down and not doing what I usually do at work and home.

And then, a few pictures. I should know better than to ask Matt to do this before he eats lunch, but I wanted to post while I had a few minutes and I've been promising belly pics. So here's what you get. 3 from my phone (my camera is still at Sue's from the bday party on Sunday). The first two from Matt and the last one I took.

Today is 22 weeks, 5 days

Oh and just for fun, my new sexy measurements are a curvacious 43, 42, 44. :) ha!


Carl said...

Glad all is well.

Jeffrey said...

Aerodynamically curvaceous!

Teagansmama said...

I suppose I can clarify a bit too....the measurements started with deciding to see just how big the belly is....42 inches at the belly button and was looking for maternity clothes so hence the bust 43" and hips 44" measurements. Didn't realize all the measurements would be so close. :) Just amusing. Never considered whether I was aerodynamic...heha